Extinction Event is about punk and anything else I am interested in or come across. It is also an online space for the independent label/ local Halifax distro Ripping Headaches Records that I (attempt to) run, with a partnership on the distro coming from my bud Sammy. Contributions are welcome and wanted. I would consider E.E. to be always under construction, so any tips for improvement or constructive criticisms are certainly welcome.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Silent Order

Go listen to my new band, soon to have our own blog, condemned to Myspace for now. We have the rough versions of our demo tape that will be out when we feel like it. The summer is when we'll most likely feel like it. June probably. Fuck off and listen to my band:

LISTEN TO SILENT ORDER  <-----------Thats a link, click on it. Cool, eh? The internet is pretty rad like that.

Miscreantz Interview.

With the Adhesives, Get Wrecked and Gone Drinkin’… all but finished (as of now), the Maritime Canadian punk scene is left with very few purveyors of UK82/Street Punk style punk rock. The Miscreantz, from the bustling Nova Scotia metropolis of Springhill, are one band who is still plugging away, heading out on their second tour as of the day I’m writing this. Read the following short interview I recently conducted via email with bassist Benji Havoc and then go listen to their music.

EE: Names, instruments, band homebase?

The Miscreantz are Dwain Crisis on vox, Marky Bakon on skins, Tyrone (Tyrant) Gagnon on Guitar, Dwayne Riot on Guitar and Myself Benji Havoc on Bass.

EE: I don’t usually ask this, but I want to today: Influences?

I can't speak for the whole band too much, but Tyrone wrote most of the songs with a heavy street punk influence and a little hardcore edge. Mostly We're influenced by alcohol.

EE: You guys did a tour in 2010… how long was it, where did you tour, how did it go, highlights, etc.

It was 5 or 6 days long, pretty short but it was well worth it. We played in Sackville, NB. Jammed a house party with the Whiskey Shits in Ottawa, and played shows in Toronto, Montreal and Burlington.

It went pretty well, a lot of people really got into our music. But it wasn't all fun and games, the dynamic of a band changes on tour lack of sleep and the stress of preforming every night can lead to some friction, that being said I'd do it every day if I could. We played some great shows with some kickass bands such as the Delinquints, Brooklyn Fletcher, Chix'n'Dix, and Vulgar Manor.

EE: What is your individual/collective perception(s) of the Canadian Maritime punk scene as of 2011?

My personal view of the Maritime puck scene is that we really need to get on the map. The east coast of the states is known for producing some of the heavier punk and hardcore bands, but not much has come out of the Maritimes.

EE: Best venue to play in the Maritimes?

Gus's pub in Halifax is pretty cool, and house parties tend to be a good time.

EE: Plans for the near or not so near future? Releases/touring, etc?

We are actually going on tour on April 21st, starting with a house party aty place then going to Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto then back to Montreal. Unfortunately this will be the last thing we do for a while as Tyrone is moving out west to work. But this is just a hiatus and we have plans in the works for a full length and some more touring as soon as its feasible.

EE: What is on your record/media players right now?

I've been really into Biohazard lately and tons of CV/Leftover Crack.

You can keep track of us at www.myspace.com/themiscreantz
or here for the videos from the tour once they are up http://www.youtube.com/user/themiscreantz
